The New Castle Historical Society accepts donations in support of our our mission. Donations may be financial contributions, in-kind services or
donations of historic materials.
The New Castle Historical Society accepts monetary contributions from to support our mission of preserving and sharing the history of New Castle, Delaware. Donations made to the Society go toward the operations of our museums, development and implementation of history education programs and other operational initiative. The New Castle Historical Society is a private, non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization.
In addition to one-time cash donations, the Society also accepts donations of securities and bequests. For information about these and other types of financial donations please contact our executive director, Mike Connolly, at 302-322-2794.
Click the button below to make a financial contribution today! If you prefer, donations may be made by check payable to the "New Castle Historical Society," and mailed to 30 Market Street, New Castle, DE 19720.
The New Castle Historical Society accepts donated services from local businesses and professionals that wish to support the mission of historic preservation and history education. Examples of professional services donated to the Society in the past include graphic design work, catering, legal advice, and accounting services. Donors of professional services are recognized publicly and may be offered a formal corporate sponsorship opportunity with all benefits associated with sponsorship.
To discuss an in-kind contribution of professional services, please contact our executive director, Mike Connolly, at 302-322-2794.
The New Castle Historical Society collects artifacts, books, photos, documents that are related to the history of New Castle, Delaware and the people that lived here. We also collect historic artifacts unrelated to New Castle, but only if they are appropriate for exhibition in our historic house museums.
Examples of historic materials that we collect include:
- Furniture and home furnishings
- Clothing, textiles and personal accessories
- Art and decorative arts objects
- Books including yearbooks, personal journals and business ledgers
- Photographs
- Documents including deeds, genealogical records, letters and business records
- Paper ephemera including flyers, posters, trade cards, business cards, receipts, tickets, etc.
- Film, video and audio recordings
All donations of historic materials are accepted only if offered without restriction by the donor.
To discuss a contribution of historic materials, please contact our executive director, Mike Connolly, at 302-322-2794.